cszn / BSRGAN

Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution (ICCV, 2021) (PyTorch) - We released the training code!

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What do I have to type in in order to test my own images?

wdsongama opened this issue · comments

Can somebody give me the command?

Read the documentation, if you don't use the provided information why should someone make the work for you to write it down twice?

Can somebody give me the command?

Give me one of your social media nicknames and I can explain the usage of BSRGAN to you in detail and show you how to do what you try to accomplish. Or E-mail, anything works - just need to text to you in a private chat because here it's a bit unsecure or too "public"

I see the training commands, but could not find the testing ones. I did some guessing work based on the "main_test_bsrgan.py" file, and was able to use the bsrgan model, but i have no clue how to use the 2x model or the bsrnet one, and also do other things like change lr images path etc. I am not a pro user of command line anyways, I learned everything by myself, and my first language is not English even though I can speak lol, that's why I asked. My IG is hudson_gama_1 if you want to contact me. I used a workaround tho (chainner), so if you don't want to bother, you don't need to.

Can somebody give me the command?

Give me one of your social media nicknames and I can explain the usage of BSRGAN to you in detail and show you how to do what you try to accomplish. Or E-mail, anything works - just need to text to you in a private chat because here it's a bit unsecure or too "public"

@Dounial Can I have your email address? I have a question