css-doodle / css-doodle

🎨 A web component for drawing patterns with CSS.

Home Page:https://css-doodle.com

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

maybe we can insert list data and use it by index 希望能够注入列表数据并依据序列号来获取对应的数据

littleTigerRunRunRun opened this issue · comments

use js insert list data, just like
doodle.setListData('bar-value', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
and then in .cell element, I can fetch the appropriate data like this
width: var('bar-value'); //this will be 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5
that means, the first element get 1, the second get 2
you can see my trial in this place:
emmm.... it will be useful, with this, I can create chart with doodle, that means, in some webview environment like wechat, I can use doodle in production but not only play with it.

@HuShiyuFrontEnd 好建议!

虽然不那么直观,实际上当前可以通过 @use 来添加动态数据:

<css-doodle use="var(--data)">
   height:calc(var(--bar-value) / var(--bar-max-value) * 100%);

  let values = [200, 100, 200, 326, 435, 556, 689, 237, 568, 129];
  let labels = ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd", "eee", "fff", 'ggg'];

  doodle.style.setProperty('--data', `(
     --bar-value: @pick-n(${ values });
     --bar-label: @pick-n(${ labels });
     --bar-max-value: 800;


唯一的问题是如何在 content 当中使用 CSS 变量值. 可考虑新增一个函数.

假设已经有 @get 函数来做这个事,那么可能会稍微直观一点:

  height:calc(@pick-n(@get(--bar-value)) / var(--bar-max-value) * 100%);
  :after {
    content: @pick-n(@get(--bar-labels));

  let values = [200, 100, 200, 326, 435, 556, 689, 237, 568, 129];
  let labels = ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd", "eee", "fff", 'ggg'];
  let maxValue = 800;

  doodle.style.setProperty('--bar-value', values);
  doodle.style.setProperty('--bar-labels', labels);
  doodle.style.setProperty('--bar-max-value', maxValue);

所以如果能引入一个新函数来读取 CSS 变量,就不需要额外的 JS 方法,直接使用标准的 Element.style.setProperty()

当然像 d3.js 那样为每个 cell 绑定数据也很不错,也可以考虑添加上去

抱歉一直没有添加 @get 函数,原因是监听变量的改变难度比较大。另外现在 @grid 支持第三个维度,所以之前绑定数据到二维 grid 变得不太可行了