csnover / TraceKit

Attempts to create stack traces for unhandled JavaScript exceptions in all major browsers.

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TraceKit Report is not exported from package

saranRe opened this issue · comments

import * as TraceKit  from 'tracekit';


I added tracekit in my ts file. I try to run that file, I got error like below

report is not exported by ../../node_modules/tracekit/tracekit.js
80:                 });
81:             };
82:             TraceKit.report.subscribe(tracekitErrorHandler);

That looks right, if you log out the TraceKit imported object what do you see? I have never used TraceKit.report.subscribe

This issue happens in my typescript file have any idea for this error?

@saranRe Can you add a test for this, might just need to update the typescript definition