csnover / TraceKit

Attempts to create stack traces for unhandled JavaScript exceptions in all major browsers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Handle frames generated by Firefox internal errors (e.g. NS_ERROR_FAILURE)

benvinegar opened this issue · comments

It's possible to get Firefox to generate errors that bubble up from its internals. They can generate bizarre stack trace formats that are not currently handled by TraceKit.

More here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Errors

Example error.stack from such an error, generated by try/catch around w/ XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send that fails in a specific situation:


TraceKit parses the first frame into:

  url: "[2]</Raven.prototype._wrapBuiltIns/</<@",
  func: "?",
  args: [],
  line: 703,
  column: 28

More info on how I generated this error in getsentry/sentry-javascript#528

@benvinegar would you mind submitting a test and patch for this and we'll get this pushed asap.

@benvinegar were you able to take a look into this?

I'll take a stab this week.

Test added in #50

Oh I guess I should fix it too ... ^_^