csnover / TraceKit

Attempts to create stack traces for unhandled JavaScript exceptions in all major browsers.

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Add support for source maps?

Aeon opened this issue · comments

Cloning over from occ#61:

Adding support for getting cleaner stack traces from minified JS files via source maps would be pretty amazing.

Can leverage mozilla/source-map project for decomposing sources in ES5-compliant browsers

Yes, I would like this to be a plugin so those who need it can buy into it. This is something we will be working on in the near future. I'd also like source maps. The last time I looked into it, they only supported amd, is this still the case?

Yes, I really really want this and could use this sooner than later. I need to start working on the plugin system. I want to have source maps be an optional plugin because mozilla source maps is huge (30KB).

Was there any further progress with this? Source maps would be incredibly useful. I'm happy to take a stab at a possible implementation if nobody else has a viable one yet?

We were trying to change up tracekit to be more plugable by that effort stalled a bit. If you want to take a stab at this I'd be more than happy to work with you. It just needs to be optional as the source map lib is an extra 30KB

Can I take this up? I've already created a plugin for the same.

yeah, please do! It would be greatly appreciated

Great. will open a pull request soon.

Hey @vivekmarakana. How is it going ?

Any news on this ?

I'll have a try but I cannot promise anything !