csnover / TraceKit

Attempts to create stack traces for unhandled JavaScript exceptions in all major browsers.

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Add unit tests for parsing stack traces

niemyjski opened this issue · comments

This should include cross browser unit tests.. I talked with @occ and he said he might have some that he was working on.

@occ, where you able to find those unit tests?

I just signed up for an oss account on sauce labs and just created a branch to bring in unit tests. I'm going to try and work on bringing in the tests from https://github.com/stacktracejs/error-stack-parser as the license states you can use tests / code etc..

Just found a great video on how to enable karma debugging in webstorm: http://blog.jetbrains.com/webstorm/2013/10/running-javascript-tests-with-karma-in-webstorm-7/ this should save me a bunch of time :D