csnover / TraceKit

Attempts to create stack traces for unhandled JavaScript exceptions in all major browsers.

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API documentation should be published

rwhogg opened this issue · comments

There's JSDoc in the source code, but as far as I can tell it's not rendered and published anywhere. We should publish it - perhaps a gh-pages branch off this repo would be a good place.

Yeah, do you have any links go a good docs generator?

+1 I'll take a look into this.. It probably will be a few weeks before I can spend time on docs.

@rwhogg I just came across this as well: http://dokkerjs.com Have you used this?

Sorry, I've never heard of it.

@rwhogg If I create a branch for gh-pages, do you want to do a pull request for this? It would be a huge help.

At this point any docs are better than no docs :).

@rwhogg I just had this idea: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=jsdocs%20github%20wiki maybe we could just use jsdocs generator to generate content for the wiki! Then everything is in one site.

Sounds like a good idea, but sadly I'm really pressed for time at the moment.

@rwhogg have you had any time to look into this since June?

No. If you'd still like some help with it, I can look into it this weekend, but admittedly I haven't been doing much work with Tracekit recently.

If you could that would be a huge help

So far, I haven't had much luck with either dokker or wicked. Both keep throwing errors.

@rwhogg Thanks a ton, what are the next steps that I would need to take with jsdocs? If you could let me know what needs to be done we could steal this gh-pages logic for automatically publishing content to a gh-pages branch.

Here's what I'd recommend doing next:

  1. Clean up the formatting in some places. Some of the comments don't look exactly right when rendered as Markdown - particularly the comments for TraceKit.computeStackTrace and TraceKit.report.
  2. Document the return types for said functions with @typedef and use those type definitions rather than using inline return value descriptions.
  3. Pick out the functions that should be private and mark them as such.

However, these aren't strictly necessary. They'll just make the docs look nicer.

Edit: I'm currently working on trying step 2 for computeStackTrace. I'll let you know how it goes.

@rwhogg thanks a ton! Let me know when it's safe to merge or if there is anything I can do to help.

I think it looks pretty good first pass. If anything we might have to make some things @private on the inner functions.

I guess the next step is to host this someplace like on github pages?

I'm seeing the following error from grunt jsdoc after e5fbdb5 was merged:

ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /home/bob/src/tracekit/tracekit.js with tag title "property" and text "{string[]=} args The arguments passed to the function, if known.": Invalid type expression "string[]=": Expected "!" or "?" but end of input found.
Warning: jsdoc terminated with a non-zero exit code Use --force to continue.

Yeah, IMO the next step is to host this on GitHub Pages.

I converted it to be optional as per there spec I guess we need to change it back to ?

Sent from Outlook Mobile

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 8:19 PM -0800, "Bob W. Hogg" notifications@github.com wrote:

I'm seeing the following error from grunt jsdoc after e5fbdb5 was merged:

ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /home/bob/src/tracekit/tracekit.js with tag title "property" and text "{string[]=} args The arguments passed to the function, if known.": Invalid type expression "string[]=": Expected "!" or "?" but end of input found.

Warning: jsdoc terminated with a non-zero exit code Use --force to continue.

Yeah, IMO the next step is to host this on GitHub Pages.

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Is there any chance you could take a stab at this. I got everything moved into GitHub actions but could use some help.

I apologize, I haven't used TraceKit in several years. I completely forgot this issue was still open; you can close it if you want.

If someone wants to submit a pr for this that would be awesome, I'm going to close this in the mean time.