CS-433 / cs-433-project-2-drop_table

cs-433-project-2-drop_table created by GitHub Classroom

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



The original repositery for the LCD network can be found here.

The network described in it correspond to the lcd folder, and the train.py file in our repositery.

We also have a modified version that uses pytorch-lightning to exploit multiple nodes on a cluster.

The bash scripts used to train the networks are in the "run scripts" folder.

To choose which version to train, simply rename the directory containing the source code to lcd and the corresponding training script as "train.py".

Dependencies to install

open3d-python (version 0.7.0)

How to train the Network

Depending on your configuration, you may needs to change the line 12 in the train.py:

  1. If you are using a computer with less ram than the size of your training size :

     from lcd.dataset import CrossTripletDataset
  2. If you have a lot of ram and are generating your data with regulars pairs of corresponding images/patches :

     from lcd.dataset_V1 import CrossTripletDataset
  3. If you have a lot of ram are generating your data using LCD author's script as we explained in our report :

     from lcd.dataset_V2 import CrossTripletDataset

You will also need to specify the path to your data in the config.json. You may also change the others parameters according to your needs.

Warning : With loading all data in the RAM and Nvidia v100 GPUs, the differents trainings took us 17 hours each, you may want to run the trainings on cluster or powerful device.

We also provide a run.sh file designed to run the train.py script on EPFL's Izar cluster that run on slurm.

The names followed by "light" are leftovers of our try to run the training using multiple GPUs in parallel. It sadly does not work as it is on the Izar cluster. To use it, one can simply temporarily rename the equivalent files or directory to another name, remove the "light" in all names and run with the same step as normal.

For more informations on the training, the LCD paper also have informations.

How to use a pretrained network

Additionnaly to the authors's pretrained network, you can find in the folder logs/ the severals networks we trained as explained in our report. In all our application, the command line argument --logdir allows to choose which network to use.

How to run the applications

2D-2D match

compute_2D_2D_matching : Compute and display the best matches between 2 images

Usage :

python3 -m apps.2D-2D_match.compute_2D_2D_matching [path_to_src] [path_to_dst] --logdir [path_to_log] --number_of_matches [nb_of_matches]

Example :

python3 -m apps.2D-2D_match.compute_2D_2D_matching samples/comballaz-air2_5_DJI_0003_f2_img.png samples/comballaz-air2_7_DJI_0004_f2_img.png --logdir logs/LCD-comballaz-mix --number_of_matches 20

python3 -m apps.2D-2D_match.compute_2D_2D_matching samples/100_0039_0352.JPG samples/100_0039_0353.JPG --logdir logs/LCD-D256 --number_of_matches 50

compute_2D_2D_matching_precision : Compute matches for all 2 consecutives files in a specified folder and store all the found matches in a numpy persistant file.

Usage :

python3 -m apps.2D-2D_match.compute_2D_2D_matching_precision --logdir [path_to_log] --imagesdir [path_to_img_folder] --save_file [name_of_numpy_file] --dataset [EPFL or Comballaz]

Example :

python -m apps.2D-2D_match.compute_2D_2D_matching_precision --logdir logs\LCD-D256 --imagesdir comballaz-trajectory --save_file comballaz-D256

2D-3D match

compute_2D_3D_matching_3D_match : Compute matches between an image and a depth image both from the 3D match dataset, the configurations are donne inside the script

Usage :

python -m apps.2D-3D_match.compute_2D_3D_matching_3D_match --logdir [log_dir]

Example :

python -m apps.2D-3D_match.compute_2D_3D_matching_3D_match --logdir logs\LCD-D256

compute_2D_3D_matching : Compute matches beetween an image and a colored point cloud

Usage :

python3 -m apps.2D-3D_match.compute_2D_3D_matching [source_img] [dest_img] [dest_point_cloud] --logdir [path_to_log_dir] --voxel_size [voxel_size] --radius [radius] --num_points [num_point]

Example :

python3 -m apps.2D-3D_match.compute_2D_3D_matching samples/comballaz-air2_5_DJI_0003_f2_img.png samples/comballaz-air2_7_DJI_0004_f2_img.png samples/comballaz-air2_5_DJI_0003_f2_pc.npy --logdir logs/LCD-comballaz-mix --voxel_size 30 --radius 80 --num_points 1024

compute_2D_3D_matching_precision : Compute matches for all 2 consecutives images and pointcloud in a specified folder and store all the found matches in a numpy persistant file

Usage :

python -m apps.2D-3D_match.compute_2D_3D_matching_precision --logdir [path_to_log_dir] --imagesdir [path_to_image_dir] --save_file [name_of_the_output_file]

Example :

python -m apps.2D-3D_match.compute_2D_3D_matching_precision --logdir logs\LCD-comballaz_synth --imagesdir comballaz-trajectory --save_file comballaz-D256

Sparse to dense point cloud

compute_sp_dense : Iterate over images and their corresponding point clouds, downsample the point cloud, reconstruct it using LCD and then store the matches between this reconstructed point cloud and the original one in a npy file.

Usage :

python -m apps.sparse_to_dense.compute_sp_dense [path_to_image] [path_to_point_cloud] --logdir [path_to_logs]

Example :

python -m apps.sparse_to_dense.compute_sp_dense samples/comballaz-air2_5_DJI_0003_f2_img.png samples/comballaz-air2_5_DJI_0003_f2_pc.npy --logdir logs/LCD-comballaz_synth

Precisions Tools

compute_precisions : Compute the precision of the matches contained in a npy file

Usage :

python3 -m apps.precision_tools.compute_precisions --pairfile [path_to_the_npy_file] --threshold [threshold_for_valid_distances]

Example :

python3 -m apps.precision_tools.compute_precisions --pairfile precisions/2D-3D/comballaz/comballaz-prec-comballaz-mix.npy --threshold 200

compare_precisions : Compute the precision for all files in a folder and compare them in a figure

Usage :

python3 -m apps.precision_tools.compare_precisions --dir [path_to_the_npy_file] --threshold_max [threshold_maximum for a range] --step [step for a range]

Example :

python3 -m apps.precision_tools.compare_precisions --dir precisions/2D-3D/comballaz/ --threshold_max 2000 --step 1


Generate Depths generate depth images from imagex and coordinates given a directory

Usage :

python3 -m scripts.generate_depths --pose_file [npy file containing the positions] --data_path [trajectory path] --relative_pointcloud_path [Relative path inside the data path] --start_image [start data] --end_image [last data]

Example :

python3 -m scripts.generate_depths --pose_file EPFL_2020-09-17_ poses.npy --data_path epfl-trajectory --relative_pointcloud_path EPFL2020-09-17_ --start_image 0 --end_image 100

Sample_train_comb generate h5 datas ready to be used by the LCD from raw datas

Example :

python3 -m scripts.sample_train_comb --directory epfl-trajectory --color EPFL2020-09-17_ --depth depth_ --startimage 0 --endimage 100 --savedir epfl-h5

scenes, foc_x, foc_y, center_x, center_y

3D-3D Match

The script was given by the LCD's paper author, it is detailled on his repository.


cs-433-project-2-drop_table created by GitHub Classroom


Language:Python 99.2%Language:Shell 0.8%