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Broken pipe on WebSocketHandler

sardaukar opened this issue · comments

I have a local server for a static site generator I'm working on:

require "http/server"

module Thingy
  class DevelopmentServer
    @reload_channel : Channel(Int32)
    @port : Int32

    getter reload_channel, port

    def initialize(@reload_channel, @port); end

    def run!
      server =[,,, do |ws, ctx|
          loop do
            when msg = reload_channel.receive
            when timeout 1.second
        end,"./output/", directory_listing: false),
      ]) do |context|
        if is_html_index_request?(context)
          context.response.status_code = 301
          context.response.headers["Location"] = "#{context.request.path}index.html"
          puts "\nRedirecting implicit HTML index request..."
          context.response.status_code = 404
          STDERR.puts "\nFile not found!"

      address = server.bind_tcp(port)
      puts "Listening on http://#{address}"



    private def is_html_index_request?(context)
      context.request.headers["Accept"].index("text/html") &&

Another part of the code watches local Markdown files, and when one of them changes a value is sent to the reload_channel channel, and the WebSocket message sent to the client is changed from ping to reload and the browser reloads.

This all works, but 15/20 seconds after getting the first reload on the browser, and without other values sent to reload_channel I get:

GET / - Unhandled exception:
Error writing to socket: Broken pipe (IO::Error)
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/ in 'unbuffered_write'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/io/ in 'flush'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/io/ in 'close'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/server/handlers/ in 'call'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/server/ in 'call_next'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/server/handlers/ in 'call'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/server/ in 'call_next'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/server/handlers/ in 'call'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/server/ in 'call_next'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/server/handlers/ in 'call'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/server/ in 'process'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/server/ in 'process'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/ in 'handle_client'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/http/ in '->'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/ in 'run'
  from /home/sardaukar/.asdf/installs/crystal/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/ in '->'
  from ???

On the browser (Firefox) I just get a skipped ping, and things go back to normal:


Since it's not too disruptive, I just wanted to rescue this error but I can't seem to do it even with a begin/rescue on the run! method for the class pasted above.

Any pointers helpful!

My crystal -v output:

LLVM: 8.0.0
Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Related: #9065. Potentially fixed by #9115?

Looking at the trace, it might be something we want to generally ignore while flushing in IO::Buffered#close? But then silently discarding data the user has already written...

same problem with 0.33?

@rdp @jhass I have created a repo to easily replicate this issue let me know if you see it too

@rdp and yes, same problem in 0.33 and 0.34 for me

Not sure why there are disconnects so often if it's localhost, though... And also, why can't this be rescued is my main gripe :|

It cannot be rescued because it simply doesn't touch your code. It runs in a fiber and is triggered in standard library code there after all your callbacks already returned.

Edit: sorry for the duplicates, github's downtime caused these :/

We got it @jhass! 😆

This is being improved by #9115 by not logging as errors the client disconnections

It cannot be rescued because it simply doesn't touch your code. It runs in a fiber and is triggered in standard library code there after all your callbacks already returned.

Edit: sorry for the duplicates, github's downtime caused these :/

Yeah, I've gathered as much. The fact that I can't is my gripe :)

@waj any idea on why there are so many disconnections for localhost endpoints?

@sardaukar you mean websockets are being disconnected with no apparent reason?

Oh... from your example I can see the callback for the WebSocketHandler never returns. Actually I'm testing that with Chrome and so far I cannot reproduce the issue. But if that block never returns, the WebSocketHandler cannot run the normal loop for the websocket. The browser might be upset about "ping" requests not being replied and force a disconnection.

I think you need to put that loop into a separate fiber. I'd also collect all the open websockets in an array for example, and broadcast the "reload" to all of them. That way you can make several tabs to reload when there are changes, if I understood correctly the intention. Don't forget to remove the websockets when they close, by handling the ws.on_close event.

@waj thanks, I'll try to work those in! Not sure what you mean by "the callback never returns", though. Still a noob :|

@sardaukar I mean the block passed to is meant to setup things and return immediately. In your code you have an infinite loop running.

Oh I see. Is there a better way to do it and still be able to react to a value coming in from a channel? I just need a different part of the code to signal the websocket handler to change the message and force a browser reload (with the accompanying JS script)

@sardaukar maybe put that loop inside a spawn?

I fixed it with

def run!
      web_sockets = Set(HTTP::WebSocket).new

      server =[,,, do |ws, ctx|
          spawn {
            web_sockets << ws

            ws.on_close do
              web_sockets = web_sockets.delete(ws)

            loop do
              when msg = reload_channel.receive
                web_sockets.each { |web_socket| web_socket.send("reload") }
              when timeout(1.second)
                web_sockets.each { |web_socket| web_socket.send("ping") }
        end,"./output/", directory_listing: false),
      ]) do |context|
        if is_html_index_request?(context)
          context.response.status_code = 301
          context.response.headers["Location"] = "#{context.request.path}index.html"
          puts "\nRedirecting implicit HTML index request..." # TODO colorize
          context.response.status_code = 404
          STDERR.puts "\nFile not found!" # TODO colorize

      address = server.bind_tcp(port)
      puts "Listening on http://#{address}"


Using a Set makes me feel like those years in uni were totally worth it :D

@sardaukar I'd put the spawn outside the WebSocketHandler, otherwise it's spawning a new fiber every time a new websocket is connected. Just add the websocket to the set and hook to on_close to remove it from the set when it's done.

@waj thanks for that, changed it. I think I'll close this issue since #9115 is on track to be merged. Thanks for all the help, everyone!