cryptean / bitcoinlib

Bitcoin Core RPC compatible, battle-tested .NET library and RPC wrapper for Bitcoin and Altcoins

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Exception while DumpWallet method

arnezami opened this issue · comments


I'm developing my application that should be able to work with Bitcoin Core via RPC.
Many thanks for your library at first!

I guess I found a bug:

When I call DumpWallet method, exception occured related to newtonsoft json library. In the same time wallet backup file with private keys was succesfully created!

I guess that when you send dumpwallet command, if the operation was successfull, RPC return null and newtonsoft json library didn't recognize it like JSON.

I guess before to call JsonConvert.DeserializeObject method you should to check if it's valid json string, not empty or null.

Could you check this issue please.

Thanks in advance.


Here is a candidate source of the exception you're getting. — It may help us to troubleshoot further if you provide us with the

  • Newtonsoft.Json version you use
  • Stack trace (I can only see a part of it on that screenshot you sent)

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