cruise-automation / rosbag.js

ROS bag file reader for JavaScript 👜

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"extractFields" function triggers Buffer.indexOf polyfill slow path

gkjohnson opened this issue · comments

Hello! When I was doing perf analysis on my app I noticed that there was a lot of time spent in extractFields and Buffer.indexOf and noticed a quirk of the Buffer.indexOf polyfill implementation -- specifically it creates a new buffer and uses a custom Javascript search function rather than the native Uint8Array.indexOf implementation when a string is passed in. Here's a bit more of a breakdown:

Here's a quick benchmark to run to show the performance difference. I'm seeing a 10-15 times improvement when passing a number into indexOf rather than a string. Note that this is when running a browser / node with the polyfill. When running this benchmark with the native node Buffer implementation there are still some small improvements but not nearly as drastic:

import { Buffer } from 'buffer';

const buff = Buffer.alloc( 10000 );
buff[ 5000 ] = 61;

const c = '=';
console.time( 'String' );
for ( let i = 0; i < 1000; i ++ ) {

    buff.indexOf( c );

console.timeEnd( 'String' );

const n = '='.charCodeAt( 0 );
console.time( 'Number' );
for ( let i = 0; i < 1000; i ++ ) {

    buff.indexOf( n );

console.timeEnd( 'Number' );

It seems that this gets run in a pretty tight loop so it should be worth switching over to something like field.indexOf( 61 ). If that sounds agreeable I can submit a PR with the change!

Hey thanks for this investigation! Would love to see a PR w/ the change!

@brianc Great thanks! I'll submit one in a bit.

And a bit of an unrelated question but are there release notes for the different versions of the library? I just updated from 2.0.2 to 2.6.2 but it doesn't look like the different versions are listed in the releases page or the file.

Its likely we just forgot to update