crubier / react-graph-vis

A react component to render nice graphs using vis.js

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Various properties in `arrows` being rejected as invalid

jychiao opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to use the "image" type for endArrow, as defined as valid in the vis docs.

In my sandbox, I'm struggling with a lot of endArrow properties. The error message says that the only valid inputs are arrow, circle, or bar. But in that sandbox, you can see I've used "inv_curve", which renders correctly in spite of still throwing:

Invalid option detected in "type". Allowed values are:arrow, circle, bar not "inv_curve". 

Other properties like arrowStrikethrough or endPointOffset aren't working either. You can see the error messages all print in the sandbox provided.

Is there something wrong with my sandbox, or am I not configuring the options correctly? Or does react-graph-vis only support a subset of Vis configs?