crow-misia / libyuv-android

LibYUV for Android

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YUV420p conversion incorrect color

TinTran64 opened this issue · comments

I've been trying to convert a YUV420 buffer to ARGB but the output image is not in correct color. I've also tried NV21 and NV12 but still no luck :(

In the sample files has the yuv file that I used ffmpeg extract and an jpeg file of how the frame should be displaying

val w = 956
val h = 1080
val yuvBuffer = I420Buffer.allocate(w, h)
val argbBuffer = ArgbBuffer.allocate(w, h)
val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)

Use AbgrBuffer instead of ArgbBuffer

The order of the data in ARGB_8888 is RGBA in memory.

I've tried both ArgbBuffer and RgbaBuffer

I420Buffer -> ArgbBuffer

I420Buffer -> RgbaBuffer


please use AbgrBuffer

Oh! Sorry I thought you mean RGBA..... It's working now. Thank you so much!