Crossroadsman / AgileDevelopment


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Agile Development


  1. Intro To Agile - Agile basics

  2. User Stories - Documents about User Stories:

    1. Definitions - Definitions of terms
    2. Structure And Examples - Example User Stories
    3. How To Write a User Story - Explanation of how to write a Story
    4. User Personas - Discussion of user personas, which underly the Stories
    5. User Story Workshops - Discussion of what is a User Story Workshop, and how to run one
    6. Acceptance Criteria - Description of Acceptance Criteria
    7. User Story Map - Explanation of User Story Maps
    8. Prioritisation - How to Prioritise Stories
    9. How To Estimate - How to estimate the workload associated with a story
  3. Iterations - Documents about Iterations (sprints):

