Crizzooo / auth-module

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fullstack-react-boilerplate (tiny bones)

Starting point for Full Stack React-based Javascript Applications!


  • React
  • React-Redux
  • React-Router v4
  • Express Server
  • Redux Dev Tools Extension
  • Webpack Bundling & SCSS Compiling Config
  • Babel ES6
  • Live Reloading & Building


  1. Clone this repo to your local machine
  2. npm install --save
  3. npm start
  4. Visit localhost:3000 to verify everything works!
  5. Get to building the meat of your project without worrying about the boring stuff!

File Structure

+-- client
|   +-- src
|       +-- components      
|           +-- sampleComponent.js         <-- React Component JS
|           +-- sampleComponentStyle.scss  <-- Modular SCSS Styles for components
|       +-- public
|           +-- dist          <-- Webpack output of bundle.js
|           +-- stylesheets   <-- holds our main scss file, others can be imported to components
|           +-- index.html   
|       +-- reducers
|       +-- app.js            <-- Holds Routes for React Router v4
|       +-- index.js          <-- Initates React Rout and React-Router v4
|       +-- store.js          <-- React Redux Store
+-- server
|   +-- api                 <-- Folder for API Routes
|   +-- index.js            <-- Initates Express Server which serves index.html and static files

Future Updates Pipeline

  1. Tests to check App Structure is working
  2. Sequelize DB Connections
  3. Environment Variables
  4. Authentication



Language:JavaScript 78.1%Language:CSS 15.6%Language:HTML 6.3%