crisward / dokku-require

setup all the requirement for your app on push

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does not work with Dockerfile deployments

Crote opened this issue · comments

I tried using this with a Dockerfile deployment, and nothing happened.
Is this supposed to work, or is it unsupported?

Here's what I did:

  • Install docker and dokku
  • Install the require plugin
  • push an app with the following app.json in the root:

After a successful app deployment, the postgres plugin was not installed and no database was created.

Also not working with usual git deployment.

Which version of dokku are you using? This hasn't been touched much since dokku 0.4 but I've used it up to 0.12.7 without problem.

Also, to the original point, I don't use Dockerfile deployments so I've no idea. I imagine I may have to listen for different lifecycle events. It could be worth forking this and creating something specifically for that scenario.

Im on Dokku 0.15.5 - i haven't checked whats the issue, yet. But if you need any further informations, just tell me.

I ran into issues with this Dokku Require assuming Python2 is installed, while in fact it's not. I created pull request #11 to remedy this

Thanks for this, will merge in as soon as I've had chance to check.

Hoping this is fixed by the merge. Will close, feel free to update here if I'm incorrect.
Thanks all.