crisward / dokku-require

setup all the requirement for your app on push

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Permission issues with storage

kevinmickey opened this issue · comments

I included storage to mount in my app.json. I tried to access that storage after using dokku enter $APP and appearing as herokuishuser, but I received a "Permission denied" error.

The permissions appear to be -rw------- 1 32767 32767. The docs ( recommend using chown chown -R 32767:32767 /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/ruby-rails-sample. Can dokku-require check, and correct if necessary, the permissions of the storage it mounts.

(dokku/dokku#2215 seems relevant to this issue.)

I think this issue arose from using scp to copy a file into the storage, so I'll close it, but I am interested in best practices.

For anyone that get's here with a -rw------- permission problem for uploaded files in django, go see FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS and set it to 0o644