cristianonicolai / bbank-apps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

bbank apps

bbank apps is a set of business services to simulate a company loan approval, the diagram describe the main flow :


  • companies-svc service : create/update/delete companies in a repository (mongodb)
  • eligibility service : evaluate the eligibility of a company to have a loan throw business rules eligibility
  • notation service : calculate a score and note throw a process and business rules notation
  • loan service : manage the orchestration between business services loan sub-process

We will deploy

  • a mongodb instance to store company and scoring details
  • companies-svc : a microservice based on quarkus, panache to manage CRUD companies and scoring operations (Rest)
  • eligibility : a quarkus/kogito service
  • notation : a quarkus, kogito service
  • loan : a quarkus, kogito service
  • bbank-ui : a nodejs/react frontend to manage all services

All services expose rest api, the processes use reactive messaging (kafka) to consume/push events, all events are stored in infinispan.

to deploy the apps localy follow the instructions

to deploy the apps on openshift :


connect to Openshift server

oc login https://ocp-url:6443 -u login -p password

create new namespace

oc new-project bbank-apps

add a github secret to checkout sources

oc create secret generic username \
    --from-literal=username=username \
    --from-literal=password=password \

add a registry secret

oc create secret docker-registry quay-secret \ \
    --docker-username=username \

oc secrets link builder quay-secret
oc secrets link default quay-secret --for=pull

Clone the source from github

git clone

Create MongoDB instance on OCP

Create a persistent mongodb

Using oc cli

#check if persistent mongo exist

oc get templates -n openshift | grep mongodb

#get paramters list
oc process --parameters -n openshift mongodb-persistent

#create the instannce
oc process mongodb-persistent -n openshift -p MONGODB_USER=admcomp -p MONGODB_PASSWORD=r3dhat2020! -p MONGODB_DATABASE=companies -p MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=r3dhat2020! \
| oc create -f -

Or Openshift UI From Developper view, click on Add,select Database

Add database app

From the developer catalog, click on MongoDB Template (persistent)

Developer catalog

Click on Instantiate Template (use the filled values)

Instantiate the template

Build and deploy companies services managment (create/update/delete company and score)

Create DB and collection

Get mongo pod name

oc get pods    

NAME               READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
mongodb-1-deploy   0/1     Completed   0          40s
mongodb-1-g4mwf    1/1     Running     0          35s

Create the schema

oc exec -it mongodb-1-g4mwf -- bash -c  'mongo companies -u admcomp -p r3dhat2020!' < ./manifest/scripts/create-schema.js  

add records

oc exec -it mongodb-1-g4mwf -- bash -c  'mongo companies -u admcomp -p r3dhat2020!' < ./manifest/scripts/insert-records.js  

Install knative-serving (serverless)

Install openshift-serverless operator from OperatorHub

Create a knative-serving instance


Build and deploy companies CRUD services

delete the services if exist

oc delete all,configmap,pvc,serviceaccount,rolebinding --selector app=companies-svc

way 1 : source to image build (S2I)

oc new-app \
--name=companies-svc \
--context-dir=bbank-apps/companies-svc \

way 2 : build the container locally and push to the registry (java or native))

cd companies-svc


cd ../companies-svc
mvn clean package -Dquarkus.container-image.tag=1.0
docker tag mouachani/companies-svc:1.0
docker push


mvn clean package -Dquarkus.container-image.tag=native-1.0 -Pnative  -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true 
docker tag mouachani/companies-svc:native-1.0
docker push 

deploy a knative service java

oc apply -f ../manifest/companies-svc-knative.yml 


oc apply -f ../manifest/companies-svc-native-knative.yml 

verify the service availability

Browse the url : replace by your OCP url

Verify service

Install Strimzi, infinispan and kogito operator

Install Infinispan/Red Hat Data Grid operator (operator version 1.1.X) infinispan installation Install Strimizi operator strimzi installation Install Kogito operator strimzi installation

Install kogit-infra

cd ..
oc apply -f ./manifest/services/data-index.yml
kogito install mgmt-console

Or using kogito cli

kogito install infinispan
kogito install kafka
kogito install mgmt-console

create configmap protobuf models of processes : eligibility, notation, loan and data-index

oc apply -f ./manifest/protobuf/data-index-protobuf-files.yml

Install data-index

kogito install data-index

Get username and password infinispan and decode it

oc get secret/kogito-infinispan-credential -o yaml | grep ' username: ' 
==> username: ZGV2ZWxvcGVy
echo ZGV2ZWxvcGVy | base64 -d
oc get secret/kogito-infinispan-credential -o yaml | grep ' password: ' 
==>  password: V1M1bDJmZnA3RHVlbUYzcw==
echo V1M1bDJmZnA3RHVlbUYzcw== | base64 -d 

Modify the values of the properties host/port to the kafka, infinispan, data-index and companies-svc services in ./manifest/*-cm.yml also infinispan credential :

 #rest client

    # kafka eligibility service 

Create the config map

oc apply -f ./manifest/properties/eligibility-properties-cm.yml
oc apply -f ./manifest/protobuf/eligibility-protobuf-files.yml

oc apply -f ./manifest/properties/notation-properties-cm.yml
oc apply -f ./manifest/protobuf/notation-protobuf-files.yml

oc apply -f ./manifest/properties/loan-properties-cm.yml
oc apply -f ./manifest/protobuf/loan-protobuf-files.yml 

create "eligibility, notation, loan" - kogito - services

kogito deploy-service eligibility --enable-persistence --enable-events 
kogito deploy-service notation --enable-persistence --enable-events 
kogito deploy-service loan --enable-persistence --enable-events 

Package and start build

cd eligibility
mvn clean package -DskipTests=true 
oc start-build eligibility --from-dir=target -n bbank-apps 

cd ../notation
mvn clean package -DskipTests=true 
oc start-build notation --from-dir=target -n bbank-apps 

cd ../loan
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests=true 
oc start-build loan --from-dir=target -n bbank-apps 

Test the processes

First get the route of the management console

oc get route management-console  
NAME                 HOST/PORT                                              PATH   SERVICES             PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
management-console          management-console   8080                 None 

Run the process

curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"loan\":{\"age\":3,\"amount\":50000,\"bilan\":{\"gg\":5,\"ga\":2,\"hp\":1,\"hq\":2,\"dl\":50,\"ee\":2,\"siren\":\"423646512\",\"variables\":[]},\"ca\":200000,\"eligible\":false,\"msg\":\"string\",\"nbEmployees\":10,\"notation\":{\"decoupageSectoriel\":0,\"note\":\"string\",\"orientation\":\"string\",\"score\":0,\"typeAiguillage\":\"string\"},\"publicSupport\":true,\"siren\":\"423646512\",\"typeProjet\":\"IRD\"}}"

Go to the management console route, click on "Status", select "Completed" and click on "Apply filter"

Filter process

list of process

Click on loan Validation process

process result

Notation result is :


Offer details (Rate and number of months)

