creocoder / yii2-taggable

The taggable behavior for the Yii framework.

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Advanced usage: generate links on tags

antonkomarev opened this issue · comments

Here is how I'm using tags without SluggableBehavior.

In application config:

'components' => [
    'urlManager' => [
        'class' => 'yii\web\UrlManager',
        'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
        'showScriptName' => false,
        'rules'=> [
            ['pattern'=>'tag/<tag>', 'route'=>'tag/view'],

In view file:

<?php foreach ($model->getTagNames(true) as $tag) : ?>
    <?= Html::a($tag, ['/tag/view', 'tag' => $tag]) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

If we have a tag tag with whitespace we will have a generated link:

This link will call TagController:actionView() method and bypass tag parameter in Yii::$app->request->queryParams array.

What is the best way to get tags slugs in a view to bypass them in URL?

@a-komarev As i remember we discuss that already. The best way to do that:

<?php foreach ($model->tags as $tag) : ?>
    <?= Html::a($tag, ['/tag/view', 'tag' => $tag->slug]) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

@creocoder Sorry, looks like I forgot a details.

The correct example will be:

<?php foreach ($model->tags as $tag) : ?>
    <?= Html::a($tag->name, ['/tag/view', 'tag' => $tag->slug]) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

Because $tag couldn't be passed in Html::a() function, it will be an object in this case.

Just realized that all search functions of TaggableQueryBehavior wouldn't be useful in that example. Because all searches are performed by name attribute and not working with slug.

Thats solving in Model which using TaggableBehavior by assigning tagNameAttribute as slug:

    'class' => TaggableBehavior::className(),
    'tagNameAttribute' => 'slug',

Thanks, Alexander, for flexibility :}

My bad. Another problem rising. If you are setting tagNameAttribute as slug search will work, but adding new tags will write them in slug field too :( Do we need to extend TaggableQueryBehavior and add there find by slug functions?

Here is a quick solution for SluggableBehavior support: #13