creepymonster / GlucoseDirect

App programmed in Swift/SwiftUI for using Libre blood glucose sensors.

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Request to set sensor change value in addition to sensor start in Nightscout upload upon startup of new sensor

PhilaBurger opened this issue · comments

Good afternoon.

For a while, now, I've been struggling with Nightguard's failure to display the correct sensor age, while Nightscout does.

It has come to my attention, via the Nightguard Git, that it looks like Glucose Direct is setting the Sensor Start but not the Sensor Change. While Nightscout will display either start or change (whichever appears to be more recent), Nightguard reads, and therefore, displays, only the sensor change value.

I would like to request that the Nightscout upload functionality be modified to update to the Sensor Change value as well the Sensor State value.

Thank you.