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CrateDB is a distributed and scalable SQL database for storing and analyzing massive amounts of data in near real-time, even with complex queries. It is PostgreSQL-compatible, and based on Lucene.

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schema_rename_replacement in RESTORE SNAPSHOT not working as expected with partitioned table

hlcianfagna opened this issue · comments

CrateDB version


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See repro steps

Problem description

According to it should be possible to restore a table from a snapshot using a different name however there seems to be an issue with partitioned tables, see below.

Steps to Reproduce

mkdir cratesnapshots
podman run -d --name cratetest --publish 4200:4200 --publish 5432:5432 -v /$(pwd)/cratesnapshots:/cratesnapshots --env CRATE_HEAP_SIZE=1g -Cdiscovery.type=single-node -Cpath.repo=/cratesnapshots
podman exec -it cratetest "/bin/bash"
chmod o+rw /cratesnapshots
create repository mysnapdata type fs with (location='/cratesnapshots');
CREATE TABLE myschema.table1 (part_key int,anotherfield text) PARTITIONED BY (part_key);
INSERT INTO myschema.table1 (part_key,anotherfield) VALUES 
	(1,'first value on partition 1')
	,(2,'first value on partition 2');
refresh table myschema.table1;
create snapshot mysnapdata.snapshot1 all with (wait_for_completion=true);
update myschema.table1 set anotherfield='new value';
refresh table myschema.table1;
select * from myschema.table1;
| part_key | anotherfield |
|        1 | new value    |
|        2 | new value    |
RESTORE SNAPSHOT mysnapdata.snapshot1 TABLE myschema.table1 partition (part_key = 2) with (schema_rename_replacement = 'newschema', table_rename_replacement = 'mytable', wait_for_completion=true);

Actual Result

SELECT table_name, table_schema FROM information_schema.tables where table_schema in ('myschema','newschema');
| table_name | table_schema |
| mytable    | newschema    |
| table1     | myschema     |
select * from myschema.table1;
| part_key | anotherfield               |
|        1 | new value                  |
|        2 | new value                  |
|        2 | first value on partition 2 |
--> the restore happened against the original table
select * from newschema.mytable;
| part_key | anotherfield |
--> but the new table got created empty

Expected Result

The restore happens against newschema.mytable and myschema.table1 is left untouched.


Hi @hlcianfagna, thanks for reporting.

This issue is specific to restoring partitioned tables in general (not only specific partition but the whole table restoring has the same problem)


Thanks for reporting, fix will be available in the 5.7.2 hotfix release.