crashoverride777 / swifty-ads

A Swift library to display Google AdMob ads. GDPR, COPPA and App Tracking Transparency compliant.

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Google UMP custom form rejected

javaddeveloper opened this issue · comments

Hello my friend
I have tried to send new update for my app but it rejected for this reason

Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

We noticed that your app urges or manipulates users to allow the app to track them. Specifically, your app displays its own custom permission request to the user before presenting the iOS permission request.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please remove any custom permission requests in your app that appear before the iOS permission request.


could you add an option can disable custom form ?
if you add an option that user can use native iOS ATT alert or use google UMP, it can be great
or i think use google UMP for EU users and use native iOS ATT alert for other users

please add this option faster because last update has a problem for iOS 13 and below


Wow. I will have to message google support as I do not believe you can turn this prompt off before the ATT alert. This is all part of the UMP SDK.

Seems like other people have same problem. Cannot find a solution yet.


I have resolved this problem for now

I have added this line before swiftyAds config and this cancel to show google UMP

if  #available(iOS 14, *)  {

            ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization(completionHandler: { status in

                // Tracking authorization completed. Start loading ads here.
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        #if DEBUG
                        let environment: SwiftyAdsEnvironment = .debug(testDeviceIdentifiers: [], geography: .disabled, resetConsentInfo: true)
                        let environment: SwiftyAdsEnvironment = .production
                            from: tabBarController,
                            for: environment,
                            consentStatusDidChange: { status in
                                print("The consent status has changed: \(status)")
                            completion: { result in
                                switch result {
                                case .success(let consentStatus):
                                    print("Setup successful with consent status: \(consentStatus)")
                                    bannerAd = SwiftyAds.shared.makeBannerAd(
                                        in: tabBarController,
                                        adUnitIdType: .plist,
                                        position: .top(isUsingSafeArea: true),
                                        animationDuration: 0.5,
                                        onOpen: ({
                                            print("SwiftyAds banner ad did open")
                                        onClose: ({
                                            print("SwiftyAds banner ad did close")
                                        onError: ({ error in
                                            print("SwiftyAds banner ad error \(error)")

                                case .failure(let error):
                                    print("Setup error: \(error)")

it can resolve my problem now

but if you add this option that user can turn off or turn on google UMP it is more effitiont


Just FYI if you go to google funding choices you can delete or unpublish the message for the ATT alert and it will not display.

Still need to see if google will fix it, very annoying.

When using @javaddeveloper example, with notEEA. How does the SwiftyAds handle the ATT? Is the consentStatus .success?

When you run first line

ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization(completionHandler: { status in

swiftyAds handle after that and the result could use for swiftyAds

Yes .apple said you should use native iOS alerts without any custom alert

Thanks @javaddeveloper. One more question have you had issues as in #51 ?


Google actually recommends that you to display a custom alert before the ATT alert in their documentation, which is just ridiculous.

I am still waiting for proper feedback regards using ATT alert with the UMP SDK. I will keep you posted.

For now your solution is the best option and I have updated the readme to mention this problem.

@crashoverride777 @javaddeveloper I have found following information regarding UMP explainer reject.


Thanks for that, that's some good news. Will read the article throughly later and update the documentation.

Hi everyone,
I am courious something. Some apps show specific form for ATT. How can they pass this issue and how can we do it?

@mehyaz please read the thread. I think Apple is a bit picky with how the buttons are labeled and what text is displayed. Please check BanhmiDev/admob_consent#6 (comment).