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Alternative for null-ls

CofCat456 opened this issue · comments


Hi Takuya !

Recently, the author of null-ls announced that they will stop maintaining the plugin, and it was archived today..

I'm wondering if you're considering using other plugins to replace null-ls? I've seen suggestions to use formatters like neoformat or formatter for code formatting, As for eslint, Lsp Eslint might be a good option.

Take care and rest well. If you need it, I'll keep an eye on updates in this area and hope to assist you!

yeah I'm aware of that - will look into them

I'm currently using nvim-lint and formatter.nvim to achieve the same result.
My formatter.nvim config:

return {
    config = function()
        local formatter = require("formatter")
        local default_formatters = require("formatter.defaults")
        local prettierd = default_formatters.prettierd
        local stylua = default_formatters.stylua
            filetype = {
                javascript = {
                javascriptreact = {
                typescript = {
                typescriptreact = {
                lua = {


My nvim-lint config:

return {
    config = function()
        local lint = require("lint")
        lint.linters_by_ft = {
            javascript = {
            typescript = {
            javascriptreact = {
            typescriptreact = {

        -- Autocommand for nvim-lint
        vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "InsertLeave", "BufWritePost" }, {
            callback = function()



You should then use :h vim.diagnostic.config to change how diagnostics are displayed.

Both plugins are standalone, so no dependency on external binaries like the efm language server.


I am currently using LSP Eslint, which has been ported from VS Code and includes the EslintFixAll feature, meeting my requirements (I don't use Prettier).

截圖 2023-08-14 下午11 13 17

It provides excellent code actions.

截圖 2023-08-14 下午11 14 02

Looks like null_ls is going to be picked by community and developed under this project -

yep, that's great news!
I'm planning to make another video on my recent setup (maybe next month)
let me close this for now

Eager to check on your new theme 🚀.

yep, that's great news! I'm planning to make another video on my recent setup (maybe next month) let me close this for now

We are very exited to see your new setup.