cqframework / cql-tests-runner

Test Runner for CQL Tests

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Axios Instead of Node.js Built-in Fetch for HTTP Requests

darkknight13 opened this issue · comments

The cql-test-runner currently relies on the built-in Fetch API for managing HTTP requests. While Fetch is a competent tool, it's worth exploring the potential benefits of transitioning to Axios for several reasons.

  1. Ease of Use and Syntax: Axios boasts a simpler and more intuitive syntax in comparison to Fetch. With Axios, handling HTTP requests and managing responses can be accomplished with fewer lines of code and reduced boilerplate.

  2. Automatic JSON Parsing: Axios automatically parses JSON responses, eliminating the need for manual parsing methods like .json() required by Fetch.

  3. Error Handling: Axios streamlines error handling by providing built-in support for managing common HTTP errors. This results in a more straightforward and robust error-handling process compared to Fetch. Axios, by default, throws errors for non-200 status codes.

  4. Progress Tracking: Axios offers built-in functionality for tracking upload and download progress. This feature can be particularly useful for monitoring file uploads or downloads within the application.