cpp-linter / cpp-linter-action

A Github Action for linting C/C++ code integrating clang-tidy and clang-format to collect feedback provided in the form of file-annotations, thread-comments, workflow step-summary, and Pull Request reviews.

Home Page:https://cpp-linter.github.io/cpp-linter-action/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot get comments displayed on github/pull page

malaterre opened this issue · comments

For some reason I do not see any clang-tidy bot comment on my github/pull page:

Using the following setup:

Am I missing something from the documentation ? Thanks much

The thread-comments option is disabled by default. You need to add

thread-comments: true

to your config.

Currently, there won't be any comment if all checks pass. We will be changing that though (see cpp-linter/cpp-linter#24)

Please feel free to reopen if any further questions or problems.

Just one last comment, why is GITHUB_TOKEN required ? It seems some alternatives manage to get it working without it explicitly:

I suppose we could try using it implicitly (haven't considered it). I personally prefer users know when write/read privileges are being used by a third party.