cpmech / russell

Rust Scientific Libary. ODE and DAE (Runge-Kutta) solvers. Special functions (Bessel, Elliptic, Beta, Gamma, Erf). Linear algebra. Sparse solvers (MUMPS, UMFPACK). Probability distributions. Tensor calculus.

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(Generalized) eigenvalues for complex matrices

MaxRang opened this issue · comments


Thank you for creating this library! It will be very useful for me in my attempts at rewriting some old FORTRAN codes to Rust.

For my specific purpose, I need generalized eigenvalue solvers (i.e. dggev) and complex matrix eigenvalue solvers (zggev, zheev, zgeev). Are there currently plans to add these?


Hi, yes! these four functions (and more) are coming soon.

These functions are now available (russell_lab version v0.9.0):

Feel free to suggest more functions!

Thank you for the amazingly fast implementation!