cpitclaudel / biblio.el

Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, DBLP, HAL, arXiv, Dissemin, and doi.org from Emacs

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Number of hits from DBLP

rothblum opened this issue · comments

First of all thanks for the fantastic package!

I noticed that the number of hits that I get from dblp is always upper bounded by 30. Investigating this a bit I see that this is due to the dblp's interface which defaults to 30 hits. However, they have a parameter (called h) that allows for more hits. See here:


I'd like to suggest that you add a variable that can be customized for this.
Many thanks!

This sounds like a good idea! And thanks for digging up the correct parameter. I wonder whether proper pagination wouldn't even be better, though. That is, the package should probably have a "more" link at the end of all results.

I don't have time for that more general feature, though; in fact, I don't really have time to implement a parameter that works for all backends, because I'd have to look at the docs of each backend. I do, however, have time to suggest the following trick:

(defun ~/biblio-dblp--url (query)
  "Create a DBLP url to look up QUERY (with 42 results)."
  (format "http://dblp.uni-trier.de/search/publ/api?h=%d&q=%s&&format=xml"
          42 (url-encode-url query)))

(advice-add 'biblio-dblp--url :override #'~/biblio-dblp--url)

Adding this to your .emacs should do it :) Does this help?