WithSecureLabs / snake-core

snake-core - the real snake

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to remove sample from snake?

fareedfauzi opened this issue · comments

I have removed the samples in /var/db/snake, but somehow it still displays on the web interface.


How to delete the sample from snake properly?

Ah well this is a huge oversight in Snake Skin. I guess as we never delete samples through the UI we must have forgotten to add it! i'll try and add it in when I get a free moment.

What you can do in the interim is to delete the sample using the API:

curl http://localhost:5000/file/3ea002bead53f6bdf7fade8568285eb14146a7244f631570af55ee08ecef78f3 -XDELETE

Alright, thanks alex!