WithSecureLabs / python-exe-unpacker

A helper script for unpacking and decompiling EXEs compiled from python code.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tool worked successfully... source code still NUL

levered-up opened this issue · comments

The tool worked succesfully, unpacking the exe, however the source file is made up near-entirly of NUL, SOH, EOT, ST, DC3 and other black symbols?

I can tell it is the right source code, as about 5% of it is in plaintext so I can see some of the original source code that I remember writing.

I wondered if anyone knows of something I could be doing wrong, solutions, potential work-arounds, or additional steps to fully decompile?

Thank you.


use uncompyle6 for the .pyc file