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Tik Tok issue

pbozyk opened this issue · comments

I cannot push my new tik tok icon (auth error). It fix a black thic border around the icon.

tiktok: { icon: 'm 42.413371,22.84366 a 7.2842381,7.2843028 0 0 1 -0.629963,-0.36665 8.8574793,8.8575582 0 0 1 -1.617905,-1.374596 c -1.206595,-1.3806 -1.657235,-2.781196 -1.823226,-3.761812 h 0.0067 C 38.210286,16.526642 38.267617,16 38.276287,16 h -5.495683 v 21.250939 c 0,0.285319 0,0.567305 -0.012,0.84596 0,0.03466 -0.0033,0.06666 -0.0053,0.103993 0,0.01534 0,0.03133 -0.0033,0.04733 0,0.004 0,0.008 0,0.012 a 4.6663919,4.6664333 0 0 1 -2.347862,3.703816 4.5863967,4.5864374 0 0 1 -2.273866,0.599968 c -2.560516,0 -4.635727,-2.087896 -4.635727,-4.666434 0,-2.578537 2.075211,-4.666432 4.635727,-4.666432 a 4.5930634,4.5931041 0 0 1 1.42725,0.225988 l 0.0067,-5.595718 a 10.208733,10.208824 0 0 0 -7.86625,2.301209 10.785366,10.785461 0 0 0 -2.353194,2.901858 c -0.231987,0.39998 -1.107268,2.007232 -1.213262,4.615766 -0.06666,1.480594 0.377977,3.01452 0.589965,3.648487 v 0.01334 c 0.133325,0.373313 0.649962,1.64725 1.491912,2.721195 a 11.168009,11.168108 0 0 0 2.380526,2.245888 v -0.01334 l 0.01333,0.01334 c 2.660511,1.80791 5.610337,1.689249 5.610337,1.689249 0.510637,-0.02067 2.221203,0 4.163756,-0.92062 2.154539,-1.020617 3.381134,-2.541208 3.381134,-2.541208 a 10.563379,10.563472 0 0 0 1.842558,-3.061846 c 0.497304,-1.307271 0.663294,-2.875191 0.663294,-3.501828 V 26.698798 c 0.06666,0.04 0.954611,0.627302 0.954611,0.627302 0,0 1.279258,0.81996 3.275141,1.353933 1.431917,0.379981 3.361136,0.459975 3.361136,0.459975 v -5.455726 c -0.675958,0.07333 -2.048546,-0.139993 -3.453797,-0.840625 z', mask: 'M 0 0 L 0 64 L 64 64 L 64 0 L 0 0 z M 32.78125 16 L 38.275391 16 C 38.266721 16 38.210919 16.525885 38.349609 17.339844 L 38.341797 17.339844 C 38.507788 18.320459 38.959422 19.720964 40.166016 21.101562 A 8.8574793 8.8575582 0 0 0 41.783203 22.476562 A 7.2842381 7.2843028 0 0 0 42.414062 22.84375 C 43.819312 23.544381 45.19123 23.756924 45.867188 23.683594 L 45.867188 29.140625 C 45.867188 29.140625 43.937775 29.059668 42.505859 28.679688 C 40.509978 28.145715 39.230469 27.326172 39.230469 27.326172 C 39.230469 27.326172 38.342051 26.739219 38.275391 26.699219 L 38.275391 37.972656 C 38.275391 38.599293 38.110585 40.16734 37.613281 41.474609 A 10.563379 10.563472 0 0 1 35.769531 44.537109 C 35.769531 44.537109 34.543209 46.057509 32.388672 47.078125 C 30.446121 47.998744 28.737199 47.977377 28.226562 47.998047 C 28.226563 47.998047 25.275743 48.116502 22.615234 46.308594 L 22.601562 46.294922 L 22.601562 46.308594 A 11.168009 11.168108 0 0 1 20.220703 44.0625 C 19.378754 42.988556 18.86184 41.71511 18.728516 41.341797 L 18.728516 41.328125 C 18.516528 40.694159 18.072012 39.16028 18.138672 37.679688 C 18.244666 35.071156 19.121529 33.464433 19.353516 33.064453 A 10.785366 10.785461 0 0 1 21.705078 30.162109 A 10.208733 10.208824 0 0 1 29.572266 27.861328 L 29.566406 33.457031 A 4.5930634 4.5931041 0 0 0 28.138672 33.230469 C 25.578158 33.230469 23.501953 35.319903 23.501953 37.898438 C 23.501953 40.476973 25.578158 42.564453 28.138672 42.564453 A 4.5863967 4.5864374 0 0 0 30.412109 41.964844 A 4.6663919 4.6664333 0 0 0 32.759766 38.259766 L 32.759766 38.248047 C 32.763066 38.232047 32.763672 38.216512 32.763672 38.201172 C 32.765672 38.163839 32.769531 38.132316 32.769531 38.097656 C 32.781531 37.819002 32.78125 37.535319 32.78125 37.25 L 32.78125 16 z ', color: '#000000' },

hi @pbozyk this issue has been addressed in v6 of react-social-icons