couchbaselabs / TouchDB-Android

CouchDB-compatible mobile database; Android version

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Replication Pull Ignores Deleted Documents

yourteam opened this issue · comments

Deletions on the remote server are not replicated during a pull request.

Reproduce: Execute a replication pull from a remote server. Delete one or more documents on the remote server. Execute another pull from the remote server.

Expected: Documents deleted on the remote server are also deleted on the local server.
Observed: Documents are not deleted on the local server.

Note: I think the sequence number may not be updating correctly to recognize document deletions.

CouchDbConnector tempConnect = Global.getLocalTouchConnector(mContext);
TDDatabase db = Global.getLocalTouchDatabase(mContext);

TDReplicator replicator = null;

        replicator = db.getReplicator(new URL("https://" + mUsername + ":" + mPassword + "@" + Global.YOURTEAM_DB_PATH), false, false);
catch (MalformedURLException e1)
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

long updateSeq = tempConnect.getDbInfo().getUpdateSeq();

// Get changes since our previous dbsequncenumber.
ChangesCommand cmd = new ChangesCommand.Builder().since(updateSeq).includeDocs(true).build();


while (replicator.isRunning())
        Log.i("hi", "Waiting for replicator to finish");

        catch (InterruptedException e)
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

List<DocumentChange> changes = tempConnect.changes(cmd);

for (DocumentChange change : changes)
        String docId = change.getId();

        if (change.isDeleted())
                tempConnect.delete(docId, change.getRevision());


in TDDatabase :
in the method appendDictToJSON :
if(jsonLength == 2) { // Original JSON was empty
return extraJSON;

have to by replace by

  if(jsonLength == 0) { // Original JSON was empty
        return extraJSON;

This is likely caused by a filter function which doesn't take into account deleted documents. (this is so common there is a FAQ about it)

Closing ticket, re-open if that's not the reason, and provide a filter function you are using.