coturn / coturn

coturn TURN server project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

bind: Cannot assign requested address

PaxtonPenguin opened this issue · comments

i'm trying to set up coturn for something, and it dont work.

0: : Config file found: /etc/turnserver.conf
1: : Listener address to use:
1: : Config file found: /etc/turnserver.conf
1: :
RFC 3489/5389/5766/5780/6062/6156 STUN/TURN Server
Version Coturn-4.6.1 'Gorst'
1: :
Max number of open files/sockets allowed for this process: 1048576
1: :
Due to the open files/sockets limitation,
max supported number of TURN Sessions possible is: 524000 (approximately)
1: :

==== Show him the instruments, Practical Frost: ====

1: : TLS supported
1: : DTLS supported
1: : DTLS 1.2 supported
1: : TURN/STUN ALPN supported
1: : Third-party authorization (oAuth) supported
1: : GCM (AEAD) supported
1: : OpenSSL compile-time version: OpenSSL 3.0.10 1 Aug 2023 (0x300000a0)
1: :
1: : SQLite supported, default database location is /var/lib/turn/turndb
1: : Redis supported
1: : PostgreSQL supported
1: : MySQL supported
1: : MongoDB is not supported
1: :
1: : Default Net Engine version: 3 (UDP thread per CPU core)

1: : Domain name:
1: : Default realm: turn.[redacted].com
1: : ERROR:
CONFIG ERROR: Empty cli-password, and so telnet cli interface is disabled! Please set a non empty cli-password!
1: : SSL23: Certificate file found: /etc/turnserver/fullchain.pem
1: : SSL23: Private key file found: /etc/turnserver/privkey.pem
1: : TLS1.0: Certificate file found: /etc/turnserver/fullchain.pem
1: : TLS1.0: Private key file found: /etc/turnserver/privkey.pem
1: : TLS1.1: Certificate file found: /etc/turnserver/fullchain.pem
1: : TLS1.1: Private key file found: /etc/turnserver/privkey.pem
1: : TLS1.2: Certificate file found: /etc/turnserver/fullchain.pem
1: : TLS1.2: Private key file found: /etc/turnserver/privkey.pem
1: : TLS cipher suite: DEFAULT
1: : Relay address to use: [dont look at my ip]
1: : pid file created: /var/run/
1: : IO method (main listener thread): epoll (with changelist)
1: : INFO: RFC5780 disabled! /NAT behavior discovery/
1: : Wait for relay ports initialization...
1: : relay [ip] initialization...
1: : relay [ip] initialization done
1: : Relay ports initialization done
1: : IO method (general relay thread): epoll (with changelist)
1: : turn server id=2 created
bind: Cannot assign requested address
1: : Trying to bind fd 12 to <[ip]:3478>: errno=99
Cannot bind local socket to addr: Cannot assign requested address

thats the output from sudo turnserver/coturn (with website and ip blocked out)

listening-ip=turn.[wombat sauce].com



static-auth-secret=[dont, just dont'



and thats my config (website blocked out)

can anyone help me?

i'm also using ssh, if anyone was wondering

Making a guess here @PaxtonPenguin
You use hostname as the listening IP listening-ip=turn.[wombat sauce].com so that coturn resolves it to an actual IP using DNS and then, using resolved IP, tries to bind the socket to the address. That's where it fails.

Error 99 means EADDRNOTAVAIL which means this IP does not exist in your system
That means your DNS is not up to date - actual IP of the machine you run on does not match DNS record.
Try without specifying listening-ip and see if it works

that worked

Update your DNS or use some other way to specify listening IP
Or you can go without specifying IP and coturn will listen on all interfaces