cosmos / ethermint-archive

Ethereum on Tendermint using Cosmos-SDK!

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Ethermint readthedocs link is broken

opened this issue · comments

Proposal: [Description of the feature]
Re-enable ethermint readthedocs link

Current behavior: [What currently happens]
Below document is broken

Desired behavior: [What you would like to happen]

Use case: [Why is this important (helps with prioritizing requests)]

Requests may be closed if we're not actively planning to work on them.

@zramsay do we currently support readthedocs in the SDK. That was updated in favor of what?


we moved to using vuepress and could implement here. AFAICT, there's no link to ReadTheDocs from this repo (if there is, i'll remove)

Could you please link to the new documentation?


@jacohend the README of this repo is it

sorry I wasn't clear about my question. I googled and found readthedocs link.

so where is the most up-to-date documentation for ethermint to follow and use this repo?

@jacohend the README of this repo is it

But how do you start ethermint chain along with tendermint etc? there is only test.

and how do you interact with ethermint? the is missing a lot of details


But how do you start ethermint chain along with tendermint etc? there is only test. and how do you interact with ethermint?

You don't (sorry to be blunt). Ethermint is pre-alpha, as noted in the warning at the top of the README. Also note that the first line of the What is it? section says: ethermint will be ... so hang tight and see this comment