Cannot parse disfix JSON wrapper RPC server
RiccardoM opened this issue · comments
Hello everyone.
First of all thank you guys for everything you've done so far. You've created a frameworks that allows us to create blockchain applications without worrying of a lot of things.
Second of all, I've created a Cosmos application following the SDK Application tutorial. I've been able to set everything up, and after a few try also to implement some new features in order to create a new project with different features.
After performing some operations with the CLI, I now need to perform these operations using the REST APIs. In particular, I'm interested into broadcasting transactions using the RPC.
I've found the documentation of the APIs here: Cosmos RPC, but I run into a problem.
curl -k -d "@tx.json" -X POST "http://localhost:1317/tx/broadcast" --ouput response.json
"tx": {
"msg": [
"fee": {
"gas": "string",
"amount": [
"denom": "steak",
"amount": "50"
"memo": "string",
"signature": {
"signature": "MEUCIQD02fsDPra8MtbRsyB1w7bqTM55Wu138zQbFcWx4+CFyAIge5WNPfKIuvzBZ69MyqHsqD8S1IwiEp+iUb6VSdtlpgY=",
"pub_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
"value": "Avz04VhtKJh8ACCVzlI8aTosGy0ikFXKIVHQ3jKMrosH"
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "0"
This body is taken from the documentation's examples.
"message": "cannot parse disfix JSON wrapper: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type amino.disfixWrapper"
APIs seem to work properly, but the POST one (regarding the transactions) seem to have this problem.
How can I fix this?
Thank you very much in advance for any help.