cosmo0 / TeachMTG

Sources for the website.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is it ?

TeachMTG is a way to learn how to teach Magic: The Gathering to new players.

How does it work ?

Go to and start learning!

How can I contribute ?

Like any other GitHub project if you want to contribute to the code.
If you only want to suggest modifications to decks, contact me at

Note that I'm using this project as an opportunity to learn more about Ruby and Rails. So it might not progress as planned.

How do I install this project ?


  • Ruby 1.9.3
  • Rails 3.x
  • PostgreSQL 9.2
  • On Linux, you will need [lib]gtkmm, and libnotify


bundle install
bundle exec rake db:setup
foreman start


bundle exec rake test:prepare
bundle exec guard -pc

DB configuration

To configure before the ´rake db:setup´ step :

su to enter the superuser mode.
psql to enter the PostGre command-line interface.

psql -d template1

This last command lists the users. If "vagrant" is not in the list, create it :

create role vagrant with login encrypted password 'vagrant' createdb;

Exit the PostGre command-line by typing \q.
Then, test that the user can login and access the database (then exit again) :

psql -U vagrant -d template1

If connecting with the vagrant user doesn't work, use "trust" as "method" in /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data/pg_hba.conf for all active connections (at the end of the file) :

local   all             all                                     trust
host    all             all               trust
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust

Then restart the PGSQL service :

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 restart

Finally, exit the SU mode with the exit command.


Sources for the website.


Language:Ruby 75.9%Language:CSS 19.9%Language:JavaScript 2.7%Language:PowerShell 0.8%Language:CoffeeScript 0.6%