cosmiconfig / cosmiconfig

Find and load configuration from a package.json property, rc file, TypeScript module, and more!

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Also find [`pnpm`] package.yaml/json5 properties

danielbayley opened this issue · comments

pnpm supports both package.yaml, and package.json5 (see pnpm/pnpm#1799). It would be a helpful nudge for the ecosystem if cosmiconfig could also find properties in these files, as it currently does package.json. It already supports reading from YAML, so I imagine this to be fairly low hanging fruit…

package.yaml was added for the new alpha (publishing some time today), JSON5 is not currently supported out of the box. You may add package.json5 to your searchPlaces and a JSON5 loader to your loaders to support this for now, as the code now checks for a package file with any extension.

Before adding more loaders to ship out of the box, I want to implement #333 first.