CoryLR / user-routine

User-Routine is a JavaScript library to automate user routines on web pages. You can easily test features or create tutorials with actions such as click, await, and fill.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


User-Routine is a JavaScript library to automate user routines on web pages. You can easily test features or create tutorials with actions such as click, await, and fill.

See the Live Demo


  'fill form> Cory',
  'click button.submit',
  'await div.result',
  'exists div With this text',

Table of Contents



1. Install from NPM (npm install user-routine) and import

import { userRoutine } from 'user-routine';
// OR
const { userRoutine } = require('user-routine');

2. Or include the User-Routine script file (user-routine.blob.js) in your HTML:

<!-- Declares function `userRoutine` (CDN) -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- OR -->
<!-- Declares function `userRoutine` (local file) -->
<script src="./user-routine.blob.js"></script>

3. Or copy the portable template from here: user-routine.template.js

  • ^ This works with zero setup if you copy-paste the contents into a browser console or into client-side JavaScript


User-Routine is served as a function named userRoutine.

Simple Examples

Run a test:

  'click button.btn', // Target using CSS selectors
  'await div.result Result Text', // Await result text
], { message: 'Testing the button' });

Display a tutorial:

  'comment .some-form First, fill this out',
  'comment .submit-button Then, hit Submit!',
], { message: 'Tutorial', tutorialMode: true });

Customize options to run quickly and quietly:

  'fill form>input Mock input text',
  'click button.submit',
  'await div.some-expected-result',
  // etc...
], {
  message: 'Testing the button',
  displayProgress: false, // default is true
  logProgress: false, // default is true
  globalDelay: 50, // default is 500 (0.5 seconds)
  awaitTimeout: 1500, // default is 15000 (15 seconds)

Input Parameter Details

function userRoutine(actions: string[] OR string, options: UserRoutineOptions?)

  • 1: Actions List (String (separate actions by new lines) or Array of strings/functions, required)
    • Action strings & examples:
      • append
        • Add text to the end of an element's textContent
        • 'append section>p Appended text'
      • await
        • Await for something to appear
        • 'await .modal.success-message' or 'await h1 With This Text'
      • !await
        • Await for something to disappear
        • '!await .spinner' or '!await h1 This title should disappear'
      • click
        • Click on something
        • 'click button.submit' or 'click button With This Text'
      • comment
        • Show a tooltip to point something out
        • 'comment Type your name here'
      • exists
        • Check to see if something exists in any css selector matches
        • 'exists .class-name' or 'exists h1 With This Text'
      • !exists
        • Check to see if something doesn't exist in any css selector matches
        • '!exists h1 Incorrect text'
      • fill
        • Fill the value attribute of a specific element
        • 'fill form> Cory Rahman'
      • log
        • Record a message
        • 'log Some message'
      • nav
        • Use hash navigation
        • 'nav #id' or 'nav #/some/hash/routing/path'
      • value
        • Check the value attribute of a specific element
        • 'value input.required' or 'value Test User 1'
      • wait
        • Wait for some time
        • 'wait 3000' (3 seconds)
      • write
        • Overwrite textContent of an element
        • 'write p Overwritten text'
    • Selector:
      • CSS selector like button.class-name
      • The CSS selector should not contain spaces by default. Either use >> instead of spaces like await .container>>div Result Text) or pass a custom action string separator in the Options
    • Data:
      • Required argument for append, comment, fill, log, value, wait, and write
      • Optional argument for await, click, exists, and value
  • 2: Options (Object, optional)
    • awaitTimeout: (default: 15000) How long in milliseconds to wait for an element using the await command
    • continueOnFailure: (default: false) Continue to run actions even if one fails
    • displayMessage: (default: true) Show message at the top of the page
    • displayProgress: (default: true) Show animations of actions visually on the page using tooltips
    • displaySpeed: (default: 1) Animation speed for displayProgress tooltips (0.5 = half speed, 2 = double speed, etc)
    • globalDelay: (default: 500) Time between actions in milliseconds
    • keyboardControls: (default: true) Enables play/pause/stop with space and escape keys
    • logCollapse: (default: false) Initializes the console group collapsed
    • logProgress: (default: true) Show real-time progress in the browser console
    • logResult: (default: true) Show the final result in the browser console
    • message: (default: 'User-Routine') Label to show in the console and in the DOM
    • messageAttribution: (default: 'User-Routine') Subtitle text shown when custom message is provided
    • overrideCss: (default: '') Override default User-Routine CSS, target classes such as .user-routine-message, .user-routine-focus-box, or .user-routine-tooltip
    • separator: (default: ' ' (space)) Choose different text to separate the different parts of the action string. For example, with separator set to '; ', you could write an action string like 'await; .container div[name="Result Box"]; Result Text'.
    • simultaneousAllowed: (default: false) Allow the User-Routine to run even if one is already running
    • tutorialMode: (default: false) Add a "Next" button to tooltips, and only show tooltips for "log" and "comment" actions

Output Details

  • The userRoutine function returns a Promise resolving to type UserRoutineReturn:
    • export type UserRoutineReturn = { success: boolean, log: string[], message: string, configuration: UserRoutineOptions };
  • Updates are also logged to the browser console like so:
[User-Routine] Message
  * Filled the value of form> to 'Cory'
  * Clicked on button[type="submit"]
  * Awaiting 'div.success-message'...
  * ...Found 'div.success-message'
  * Done, success: true
  Result: { success: true, log: Array(4), message: 'Message' }

More Resources


Live Demo

See the Live Demo


See the user-routine.template.js for examples of running multiple sequential tests using async/await. This template also works with zero setup if you copy-paste the contents into a browser console or into client-side JavaScript


Fill inputs with fill and interact with click using Selectors:

  'fill input[type="text"] Hello, world!', // Fills in the input
  'fill input[type="number"] 20',
  'click button.some-class', // Clicks a button with class 'some-class'
  'click div With certain text', // Clicks on the given text within a div
  'click * With certain text', // Clicks on the given text regardless of containing element
  'click body>>.nested-div', // Use `>>` instead of spaces in CSS selectors
  • Note: To use spaces in CSS selectors, either replace the spaces with >> (like body>>.class instead of body .class) or define a custom separator using the separator option (like separator: '; ').

Validate the DOM with exists and value:

  'exists p.some-class', // Checks for the existence of this element
  'exists p.some-class With certain text', // Also checks if it includes certain text
  '!exists p.some-class', // Validates that the element does not exist
  '!exists p.some-class With certain text', // Validates that the element does not exist with certain text
  'value input.required', // Validates that the element has any value
  'value Jane Doe', // Validates that the element has a value of "Jane Doe"

Deal with timing using await and wait:

  'await div.some-popup', // Awaits the existence of this element
  'await div.some-popup With certain text', // Awaits for it to include certain text
  '!await div.some-spinner', // Awaits the non-existence of this element
  '!await div.some-popup With certain text', // Awaits for it to not include certain text
  'wait 3000', // waits 3 seconds
  • Note: The default await timeout is 15000 ms (15 seconds), overwrite using the awaitTimeout option.

Navigate within a single-page application using nav:

  'nav #some-id',
  'nav #/some/hash/routing/path',
  'nav #', // Back to the top

Add notes with append, log, and write:

  'write h1 Testing successful!', // overwrites the h1's textContent
  'append h1  - Testing successful!', // appends to the h1's textContent
  'log The testing is complete.',

Pass options as a second argument:

  'fill Cory',
  'click button[type="submit"]',
], { globalDelay: 1000 });
// ^ Options object with 1 second between actions
  • Note: See Usage for a list of options



Getting Started

Continuous Development

To publish:

  1. Bump the version number in the package.json
  2. npm i
  3. npm run build
  4. Test one last time
  5. Fix any issues then commit changes
  6. npm publish --access public


  • Add a tutorial walk-through to the demo page, using User-Routine to showcase User-Routine
  • Improve tutorialMode by automating progress via await and other actions instead of relying on the Next button
  • Separate actions into externally-callable functions
  • Add global case-sensitivity option
  • (Maybe) Add count action to count instances of a particular CSS selector
  • (Maybe) Add copy/paste actions
  • (Maybe) Add ability to keybind User-Routine(s) to keys
  • (Maybe) Add copy/paste actions


User-Routine is a JavaScript library to automate user routines on web pages. You can easily test features or create tutorials with actions such as click, await, and fill.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 60.4%Language:HTML 28.2%Language:JavaScript 11.4%