corpnewt / ProperTree

Cross platform GUI plist editor written in python.

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OC Snapshot issue when checking configs for real Macs

5T33Z0 opened this issue · comments


I've noticed an issue when using ProperTree's OC Snapshot function to check .plist used by OCLP. In my case, it's for an iMac11,3. Apparently, it removes some kexts required for getting legacy WiFi working again.

List of kexts prior to snapshotting (Sceenshots are form OCAT since it's easier to see al kexts at once):

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-26 um 11 42 02

After snapshotting:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-26 um 11 44 41

The following kexts were removed from the list by ProperTree:

  • corecaptureElCap.kext
  • IO80211ElCap.kext (But the plugin is still in the list)

Is it possible to put kexts like these on some sort of ignore list? It took me quite some time to figure out that these entries were removed from the config when trying to fix Wi-Fi again 😄


This appears to be an issue with the kexts from OCLP, and not ProperTree. Both of those kexts CFBundleExecutables do not match the actual executable names.

corecaptureElCap.kext's CFBundleExecutable is listed as corecatpure, but the actual binary is named corecaptureElCap. IO80211ElCap.kext's CFBundleExecutable is listed as IO80211Family, but the actual binary is named IO80211ElCap.

Changing the CFBundleExecutable value within the Info.plist of each kext will fix ProperTree's detection in the OC Snapshot.

I've brought this to @khronokernel 's attention and they're already correcting it in OCLP's repo. The bins should be updated with the corrections shortly.


Ah, okay. Thanks for the explanations

For sure. I'm glad it's something relatively easily fixable.


I corrected the CFBundleExecutable names for both kexts and now ProperTree no longer kicks them out of the list.