corona-warn-app / cwa-wishlist

Central repository to collect community feature requests and improvements. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:

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Possibility to scan an image for a QR code via "Share"

torgeros opened this issue · comments

Feature description

The goal of this feature request is to make scanning a test result quicker and easier.

The process of registering a new test currently is as follows (at least for me):

  1. receive email with test result as pdf file
  2. open the pdf file (and enter the password if needed)
  3. take a screenshot
  4. close the "screenshot taken" popup/notification because I do not need it
  5. open CWA
  6. navigate to "scan"
  7. click "Open File"
  8. select the screenshot

The process of registering a test is proposed as follows:

  1. receive email with test result as pdf file
  2. open the pdf file (and enter the password if needed)
  3. take a screenshot
  4. on the notification or popup occurring (at least on all android phones), click Share share_black_18dp
  5. select CWA (scan code)

At least for android I know that it is possible to retreive the original image file from the file system after the app has been opened by a share intent.

Problem and motivation

I register test results I receive via email around 3 to 4 times a week. The process of opening the mail, taking a screenshot, open CWA, register the test and then go to the gallery to delete the screenshot is pretty annoying.

That is why I thought of a possibility to utilize the existing screenshot popup that annoys me every time anyway to make the process a little faster and easier.

Is this something you're interested in working on

Yes (Android).

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-12601


Thanks for your feature request @torgeros. We have created an internal ticket for it and will raise this topic internally.
Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-12601

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team