coreygrunewald / koa-joi-router

Configurable, input and output validated routing for koa

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Easy, rich and fully validated koa routing.

Build Status Coverage Status npm


var koa = require('koa')
var router = require('koa-joi-router')
var Joi = require('joi')

var public = router()

public.get('/', function*(){
  this.body = 'hello joi-router!'

  method: 'post'
, path: '/signup'
, validate: {
    body: {
      name: Joi.string().max(100)
    , email: Joi.string().lowercase().email()
    , password: Joi.string().max(100)
  , output: {
      userId: Joi.string()
    , name: Joi.string()
  , type: 'form'
, handler: function*(){
    var user = yield createUser(this.request.body)
    this.status = 201
    this.body = {
    , name:

var app = koa()


koa-joi-router returns a constructor which you use to define your routes. The design is such that you construct multiple router instances, one for each section of your application which you then add as koa middleware.

var router = require('koa-joi-router')
var pub = router()
var admin = router()
var auth = router()

var app = koa();



Adds a new route to the router. route() accepts an object describing everything about the routes behavior.

var router = require('koa-joi-router')
var public = router()

  method: 'post'
, path: '/signup'
, validate: {
    headers: joiObject
  , query: joiObject
  , params: joiObject
  , body: joiObject
  , maxBody: '64kb'
  , output: joiObject
  , type: 'form'
  , failure: 400
  , continueOnError: false
, handler: function*(){
    yield createUser(this.request.body)
    this.status = 201
, meta: { this: { is: 'ignored' }}
.route() options
  • method: required HTTP method like "get", "post", "put", etc
  • path: required either a string or RegExp
  • validate
    • headers: object which conforms to joi validation
    • query: object which conforms to joi validation
    • params: object which conforms to joi validation
    • body: object which conforms to joi validation
    • maxBody: max incoming body size for forms or json input
    • failure: HTTP response code to use when input validation fails. default 400
    • type: if validating the request body, this is required. either form, json or multipart
    • output: output validator object which conforms to joi validation. if output is invalid, an HTTP 500 is returned
    • continueOnError: if validation fails, this flags determines if koa-joi-router should continue processing the middleware stack or stop and respond with an error immediately. useful when you want your route to handle the error response. default false
  • handler: required GeneratorFunction
  • meta: meta data about this route. koa-joi-router ignores this but stores it along with all other route data

HTTP methods

koa-joi-router supports the traditional router.get(), type APIs as well.

var router = require('koa-joi-router')
var admin = router();

// signature: router.method(path [, config], handler [, handler])

admin.put('/thing', handler)
admin.get('/thing', middleware, handler)'/thing', config, handler)
admin.del('/thing', config, middleware, handler)


Generates routing middleware to be used with koa. If this middleware is never added to your koa application, your routes will not work.

var router = require('koa-joi-router')
var public = router()

public.get('/home', homepage)

var app = koa()
app.use(public.middleware()) // wired up

ctx.request additions

When using the validate.type option, koa-joi-router adds a few new properties to ctx.request to faciliate input validation.


When validate.type is set to json, the incoming data must be JSON. If it is not, validation will fail and the response status will be set to 400 or the value of validate.failure if specified. If successful, ctx.request.body will be set to the parsed request input.

  method: 'post'
, path: '/blog'
, validate: { type: 'json' }
, handler: function *(){
    console.log(this.request.body) // the incoming json as an object

When validate.type is set to form, the incoming data must be form data (x-www-form-urlencoded). If it is not, validation will fail and the response status will be set to 400 or the value of validate.failure if specified. If successful, ctx.request.body will be set to the parsed request input.

  method: 'post'
, path: '/blog'
, validate: { type: 'form' }
, handler: function *(){
    console.log(this.request.body) // the incoming form as an object

When validate.type is set to multipart, the incoming data must be multipart data. If it is not, validation will fail and the response status will be set to 400 or the value of validate.failure if specified. If successful, will be set to a co-busboy object.

  method: 'post'
, path: '/blog'
, validate: { type: 'multipart' }
, handler: function *(){
    var parts = yield
    var part

    while (part = yield parts) {
      // do something with the incoming part stream

    console.log( // form data
non-validated input

Note: if you do not specify a value for validate.type then the incoming body will not be parsed or validated. It is then up to you to parse the incoming data however you see fit.

  method: 'post'
, path: '/blog'
, validate: { }
, handler: function *(){
    console.log(this.request.body, // undefined undefined


Each router exposes it's route definitions through it's routes property. This is helpful when you'd like to introspect the previous definitions and take action e.g. to generate API documentation etc.

var router = require('koa-joi-router')
var admin = router();'/thing', { validate: { type: 'multipart' }}, handler)

// [ { path: '/thing',
//     method: [ 'post' ],
//     handler: [ [Function] ],
//     validate: { type: 'multipart' } } ]

Path RegExps

Sometime you need a RegExp for your route definition. Because koa-router support it, so do we!

var router = require('koa-joi-router')
var admin = router()
admin.get(/^\/blog\/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\/?$/i, function*(){})

Multiple methods support

Defining a route for multiple HTTP methods in a single shot is supported.

var router = require('koa-joi-router')
var admin = router()
  path: '/',
  method: ['POST', 'PUT'],
  handler: fn

Multiple middleware support

Often times you may need to add additional, route specific middleware to a single route.

var router = require('koa-joi-router')
var admin = router()
  path: '/',
  method: ['POST', 'PUT'],
  handler: [ yourMiddleware, yourHandler ]

handling errors

By default, koa-joi-router stops processing the middleware stack when either input validation fails. This means your route will not be reached. If this isn't what you want, for example, if you're writing a web app which needs to respond with custom html describing the errors, set the validate.continueOnError flag to true. You can find out if validation failed by checking ctx.invalid.

  method: 'post'
, path: '/add'
, validate: {
    type: 'form'
  , body: {
      id: Joi.string().length(10)
  , continueOnError: true
, handler: function *(){
    if (this.invalid) {

    this.body = yield render('add', { errors: this.invalid });


running tests

  • make test runs tests
  • make test-cov runs tests + test coverage
  • make open-cov opens test coverage results in your browser

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Configurable, input and output validated routing for koa

License:MIT License