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sidebar-nav: fix dropdownMode

ahmedsamirbek opened this issue · comments

I have issue here I need when open menu group item others collapsed

@ahmedsamirbek do you need to keep open other menu groups or to close them?

@xidedix I need , when open one other closed

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Any solution @xidedix? I see that the vue version ( has the prop dropdownMode with value closeInactive. "closeInactive - closes every inactive dropdown on route change, opens dropdown when route state is active".

CoreUI 4 for Angular - closeInactive prop of SidaberNav is the default value of dropdownMode.
It opens SidebarNavGroup - when the active route matches url for a navItem with children (navItems: INavData[])
It closes every SidebarNavGroup on route change - when the active route does not match url for a navItem with children

So there's no way to close one group when click in other group? I'm asking because I notice this behavior in vue ( and bootstrap ( example.

Thanks for the clarification. We'll try to fix the issue in an upcoming patch later next week.

fixed in @coreui/angular@4.2.14

dropdownMode prop accepts one of the following:

  • path: close inactive sidebar-nav-group on active route change only (default - backward compatible)
  • close: close open sidebar-nav-group on other group click
  • none: keep sidebar-nav-group open