coreos / butane

Butane translates human-readable Butane Configs into machine-readable Ignition Configs.

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Run butane with yml from stdin and options

TimoKramer opened this issue · comments


I am running butane with the option --files-dirs <dir> and had errors with missing files when providing the input-file from stdin rather than as argument. Is it possible to provide the input-file from stdin when at the same time using an option like --files-dir? Would it be feasible to implement that?

How would Butane know when a file ends and another one begins?

How do other cli applications do that?

EDIT: Maybe with a dash? like butane --files-dir butane-files -? is that possible?
EDIT2: I mean, why would butane need to know when another file begins? It is only one file that we want to read right?

I think there might be a misunderstanding.

Can you write out exactly the commands you tried and the error you got?

Maybe it's just that I am using it wrong... this works... sorry for the confusion.

$> butane tryout.yaml --files-dir bar
$> cat tryout.yaml |  butane  --files-dir bar

I am calling this from python. So it's

def make_config(tpl: str, substitutes: dict):
    with open(tpl, "r") as template:
        yml =
        yml = string.Template(yml)
        yml = yml.substitute(substitutes)
        sp =["butane"], input=yml, shell=True, capture_output=True, encoding='utf8')
        if sp.returncode == 0:
            return str(base64.b64encode(sp.stdout.encode('ascii')), encoding='ascii')
            log.error('Failed to run butane')

That one fails when I am adding --files-dir to it. But it seems it should somehow work but it just doesn't when calling it that way. I will try it another day.

Thanks anyway... you can close this. Sorry again to you both.

OK, let's close this. Thanks!