copiousfreetime / amalgalite

SQLite database engine embedded in a ruby extension.

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Different ruby compatibility depending on platform

swistak35 opened this issue · comments

Was that intentional that 1.7.0 platform version was released with ruby requirements being just "ruby >= 2.2.2", but mingw versions with ruby requirements "ruby >= 2.2.2 AND ruby <"? That makes it impossible to install on 2.7 ruby installation.

If that was accidental, could you please release mingw versions without that additional requirement (it's ok if it's 1.7.1, I don't care about 1.7.0 specifically)?

That might have been intentional when I did it, and It's totally wrong now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'll get a new release out here in a the next day or so to resolve that.

@copiousfreetime Bump, I'd appreciate a new version :) Tell me if I can help somehow :)

@swistak35 that was my mistake - I dropped the ball on this, got sidetracked with a lot of other things, I'm building this now and should have releases pushed by tomorrow - also updating to the latest sqlite.

@swistak35 do you need the cross-compiled binaries for windows or is the ruby version good enough for you? I'm on an M1 now and I haven't gotten sempahore ci worked out correctly to get it wired up with rack-compiler-dock to build the windows binaries yet. If you're good with the ruby version that builds the extensions locally for you, then I can push out that tomorrow.

I did use the compiled version previously, so that would be best, but I do have a windows devkit compiler set up on my machine, so I guess it should work (I can't really be sure of anything with ruby on windows 😄). Let's find out. As I understand there is possibility that the precompiled versions will be available at some point :)

@swistak35 can you test out this pre-release and see if it works for you. I'm testing out building binaries using a semaphore workflow - -- I'll remove it once you've given it a 👍 or 👎 I'm not sure which platform and ruby you're on, but one of those 3 should be valid.

Unfortunately things using amalgalite gem aren't covered well with specs so I cannot say "everything works as before", but I did a check of installing the fat version (x86-mingw32 one to be specific) on windows and fiddled with it in irb for a moment, creating a db, loading some schema, making queries -- and it works :)

Awesome, I'll push out releases this weekend then

@swistak35 FYI - v1.8.0 pushed to rubygems let me know if there are any issues.

Perfect, thanks!