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Is 'url' item in 'kuroko2.yml' no longer working as public URL?

nikukyugamer opened this issue · comments

Kuroko2 is very sexy product, thanks.

not working?

btw, url item in kuroko2.yml is no longer working, is it?

for example, I defined url as 'http://foobar:12345' and exec foreman as below.

$ foreman start

its log is here.

16:26:15 rails.1     | started with pid 28255
16:26:15 executor.1  | started with pid 28256
16:26:15 scheduler.1 | started with pid 28257
16:26:15 processor.1 | started with pid 28258
16:26:18 rails.1     | => Booting Puma
16:26:18 rails.1     | => Rails 5.1.3 application starting in development on http://localhost:5000
16:26:18 rails.1     | => Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
16:26:18 rails.1     | Puma starting in single mode...
16:26:18 rails.1     | * Version 3.9.1 (ruby 2.3.1-p112), codename: Private Caller
16:26:18 rails.1     | * Min threads: 5, max threads: 5
16:26:18 rails.1     | * Environment: development
16:26:18 rails.1     | * Listening on tcp://localhost:5000
16:26:18 rails.1     | Use Ctrl-C to stop

not updated 'url' :-(
the port number 5000 is defined in engine.rb at foreman gem.

use '.env' to solve

if we wanna change url which is composed of host and port number, need to define in .env such as below.

use 'Procfile' to solve

or change rails s option in Procfile (below)

rails: ./bin/rails s -b -p 12345
executor: ./bin/rails runner
scheduler: ./bin/rails runner
processor: ./bin/rails runner

but this is NOT COOL, I consider.


if the above is right, it's better to add them to Quick Start in docs/, isn't it?

Thank you.


  • kuroko2 (0.4.2)
  • rails (5.1.3)
  • ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26) [x86_64-linux-gnu]

oh, sorry! i wanna add one.

when I tried to notify to Mattermost, its link url contains url item. so issue title was wrong. as notify address, url item is available.

therefore Is 'url' item in 'kuroko2.yml' no longer working as public URL? is correct 😭
I modified.


The url item uses only in the mail/slack notification templates. It is not starting rails server configuration.

If you need using a different port number from kuroko2.yml's default configuration, I recommend editing the kuroko2.yml directly or using '.env' solution.

I agree that the port number is different when using foreman start command along the Quick start, I fix it. Thank you for your reporting.


I see. It is perfectly my misunderstanding, very sorry 😢
I have convinced url item is app url without doubt.
(because of this article...)

thank you for your response!
Kuroko2 is very beauty product so I'm looking forward to continuance development 😃