cookpad / LicenseToolsPlugin

Gradle plugin to check library licenses and generate license pages for Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Question] copyrightHolder is always output to yaml as #COPYRIGHT HOLDER #

hatt0519 opened this issue · comments

Hi. I think it's a great plugin.

When I run ./gradlew checkLicenses in my project, copyrightHolder always outputs with #COPYRIGHT HOLDER # .

After reading the code,
I didn't seem to set a value in copyrightHolder.

Is it impossible to get copyrightHolder automatically?

I have reproduced this issue with v1.1.0.

Is it impossible to get copyrightHolder automatically?

Unfortunately Yes. 😿

And then is useless

I found the task "generateLicensePage" always fails due to no copyright holder.
Templates#assertLicenseAndStatement checks whether LibraryInfo#getCopyrightStatement is null.
In LibraryInfo, it returns null if copyrightHolder is null or empty <- this always happens now.

    fun getCopyrightStatement(): String? {
        return when {
            notice?.isNotBlank() ?: false -> notice
            copyrightHolder.isNullOrEmpty() -> null
            else -> buildCopyrightStatement(copyrightHolder)

i agree that without the option to either auto-fill copyrightHolder, this plugin is useless, since it fails to generate when there is no copyrightHolder available.

so either fix the auto-fill, or fix the generation to simply skip the copyright notice (since this plugin is made for license notice, i don't see the need for copyright notice)