conventional-changelog / conventional-changelog

Generate changelogs and release notes from a project's commit messages and metadata.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

conventionalRecommendedBump not returning expected releaseType

rrundle-dave opened this issue · comments

I had a single commit PR that ran this on CI and the only commit was

fix(ci): test number 2


    conventionalRecommendedBump({ preset: 'angular' }, (error, recommendation) => {
      console.log('file: helpers.ts:131 ~ recommendation', recommendation);
      console.log('file: helpers.ts:131 ~ error', error);


  level: 1,
  reason: 'There are 0 BREAKING CHANGES and 2 features',
  releaseType: 'minor'

Of course I'm expecting a patch releaseType not minor.

I've actually tried on multiple branches and it always returns a minor bump. I passed a custom whatBump function to see what commits it was pulling and it seemed to pull the whole history from the main branch (where I branched from). The commit list was 680+ commits long!

I think it would be easy to be able to pass a commit message string to the function as an option. From what I got from the docs it is not possible, is it? If not, would you be open to a PR that would make this possible?

also experiencing this, did you ever get around it?