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refactor: switch from chalk to styleText (node:util)

escapedcat opened this issue · comments

Expected Behavior

Colors should work like before in the terminal but without an extra dependency

Packages using this dep:

  • cz-commitlint
  • format
  • load
  • prompt
  • types

Current Behavior is being used

Affected packages

  • cli
  • core
  • prompt
  • config-angular

Possible Solution

No response


Since styleText is a feature added in node version 21.7.0 this introduces a breaking change, right?

@letsaguiar ah thanks! I just saw the tweet but didn't check which version is needed.
In this case this issue should wait till

  1. Version 22 is out
  2. We have a better reason for a breaking change

Version 22 is out

If you raise the node version requirement to 22, then you break compatibility with Ubuntu LTS.

Yeah, this is something for the future. Wouldn't want to break anything because of this.