contributte / webapp-skeleton

🎁 Web application project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette), Doctrine (@nettrine) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x.

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Path for running fixtures

darkWolf-PR opened this issue · comments

I´ve used skeleton for web app upgrade, but when trying to run Fixtures(php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load), I keep getting this:

In LoadDataFixturesCommand.php line 121:

  Could not find any fixtures to load in:

While running php bin/console migrations:migrate normally builds DB tables. Dirs are from the skeleton - root/db/Migrations and root/db/Fixtures

in config:

        directory: %rootDir%/db/Migrations


        - %rootDir%/db/Fixtures

I just don´t understand where´s the problem. Same folders, same path dir in config?!?!? And the fixtures are there, same AbstractFixture and UserFixters, just with changed credentials. I´m working on Windows, so I would guess it has something to do with Win path, but I can´t find out how to solve it.

Hmmm. I am not sure either.

Ok, my fault. I forget to try checking version/run composer update - problem was repaired here - contributte/doctrine-fixtures@56accd2