contributte / forms-multiplier

:repeat: Form multiplier & replicator for Nette Framework

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post data not available

driici opened this issue · comments

I have current (9afdae2) version and have problem with accessing form data. When I dump($_REQUEST) I see everything was submitted via request. Hovever if I want to access multipliers items via $form->getValues()->multiplier there is no data. My multiplier has name variants:

variants => 0 => rarity => "1" value => "500" text => "text"

variants => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #1462

Nette\ComponentModel\RecursiveComponentIterator #ca3d

Did I miss something in documentation, badly register it or just simply replicator is not compatible with nette/3.0?

How form looks?

        ->setOption("id", "variants");

    $multiplier = $form->addMultiplier(
        function (Container $container) use ($rarities) {
            $container->addSelect("rarity", "Rarity", $rarities);
            $container->addText("value", "Value")->setDefaultValue("x");

            $container->addTextArea("text", "Text", NULL, 10);

        ->addClass('btn btn-primary ajax');

        ->addClass('btn btn-danger ajax');


    $form->addSubmit("s", "Save");

and in latte:
{snippet form}
{control form}

What returns this $form->getHttpData()? Is $form instance of UI\Form?

Yes form is instance of UI\From.
$form->getHttpData() strangely contains data posted via form:

variants => 
0 => 
rarity => "1"
value => "x"
text => "x"
1 => 
rarity => "1"
value => "x"
text => "asdsd"

But $form->getValues() emprty variants

I tried following code

		$form = new Form();

			->setOption("id", "variants");

		$multiplier = $form->addMultiplier(
			function (Container $container) {
				$container->addSelect("rarity", "Rarity", ['one', 'two']);
				$container->addText("value", "Value")->setDefaultValue("x");

				$container->addTextArea("text", "Text", NULL, 10);

			->addClass('btn btn-primary ajax');

			->addClass('btn btn-danger ajax');


		$form->addSubmit("s", "Save");
		$form->onSuccess[] = function ($form, $values) {

		return $form;

and nette dumps correct values. Where do you dump the values?

OK I think I found a problem. Not sure on whose side...
When form is constructed with $form = new \Nette\Application\UI\Form; then multiplier works as expected for me. However when I use \Nette\Application\UI\Form($this, $name); as constuctor (see two parameters) I hot an empty array for variants.