contributte / datagrid

:muscle: DataGrid for Nette Framework: filtering, sorting, pagination, tree view, table view, translator, etc

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Error in foreign key through 2 tables

krumld opened this issue · comments

i'm trying to set through column for addColumnText.
I wrote QueueGrid and I need get column with environment name.

My code:
$grid->addColumnText('environment_id', 'Environment', '')->setFilterText('');

I'm getting this error:

Cannot read an undeclared column ''

If I change third parameter of addColumnText to 'file.environment:file_id', there is no error. But datagrid doesn't generate LEFT JOIN in SQL.
It generates LEFT JOIN only when filtering environment name.

My question: Why does the '' in filter generates LEFT JOIN, but same relation in through column throws error?
Is there possibility to create relation over 2 tables?

My tables:

  • id
  • file_id
  • ...


  • id
  • environment_id
  • ...


  • id
  • name
  • ...